Simple Home Design Hacks for a Calming and Anxiety-Free Environment.
We all need a relaxing and calming home environment after a long and stressful day. Unfortunately, modern homes are filled with clutter, poor lighting, and congested spaces that amplify anxiety and lead to depression in our new contemporary homes.
Living in constantly chaotic, modern houses with no connection to nature can be overwhelming, but the good news is that with some simple changes and tweaks, we can completely transform our homes. You'll be pleasantly surprised at how easily you can create a calming environment.

The Importance of Addressing Our Mental Health
We are not alone in struggling with mental health challenges fueled by our fast-paced, high-stress lifestyles. The rates of anxiety and depression are skyrocketing, and ironically, our modern homes – meant to be places of comfort and relaxation – may be exacerbating these issues. 

As someone who spends a significant amount of time indoors, I've realized how crucial it is to cultivate a home environment that nurtures my mental and emotional well-being.
It is important to address mental health in modern life, especially in India.
In our busy, high-stress modern lives, the rates of mental health issues are rising like a rocket. Maybe our new and shiny modern houses also contribute to our mental challenges rather than being a part of a solution. 

The designs of our homes, offices, and schools impact our overall cognitive experience and emotional well-being.

Given how much we spend indoors in urban cities, it is pretty dangerous to our health and mental health.  
Common reasons for causing anxiety in living spaces
Clutter and lack of organization can lead to feelings of congestion. Having too many possessions and a cluttered home can make relaxing easier.

Overstimulation of colors and patterns in home decor: Sometimes, less is more. People often use a lot of colors and patterns, which can be overwhelming.

Lack of natural light and ventilation: can contribute to feelings of claustrophobia and anxiety. Having large spaces with good natural airflow and natural lights helps to reduce anxiety. Even compact homes can feel less claustrophobic with proper ventilation and with an open floor plan. Natural light and fresh air can have a positive impact on our mood and overall well-being, making them important considerations in home design.
Here are some easy home design hacks for reducing anxiety.
Clear the Clutter
There is no bigger anxiety trigger than a messy and disorganized house. In the modern space, the first thing to reduce anxiety is to organize the house and make it a habit to go through your belongings and get rid of anything you don't need.

For instance, that pile of old magazines in the corner or the stack of unopened mail on the kitchen counter. Invest in smart storage solutions, such as small bins, baskets, and shelves, to keep things clean and tidy. 

Invest in innovative storage solutions, such as small bins, baskets, and shelves, to keep things clean and tidy.

Use the KonMari Method : The KonMari method involves decluttering and organizing your home in a way that ensures you never have to do it again.

clothing Clothing
Books Books
Paper Paper
Kimono_basically_everything_else Kimono
Steps to apply the KonMari Method to home design:
Visualize Your Ideal Lifestyle

  • Start by visualizing what kind of life you want in your home. First, you should have a crystal clear vision and goal of how you want your home to feel.
  • Marie Kondo says, “Keep only those things that speak to your heart. Then, decide to discard all the rest. By doing this, you are resting your life on a new and better lifestyle.
Declutter By Category
Declutter and tidy up your home by category (clothing, books, paper, kimono, and sentimental items) rather than organizing it by room.
It's straightforward: gather all the items in a category in one place, then hold each item and decide if it sparks any joy. Keep only the items that bring you joy, and discard the rest.
Optimize Storage
Now, the crucial part is storing similar items in a separate designated space. Use vertical storage, like standing items drawers, to maximize space. It's better to go vertical rather than horizontal.
Keep high-traffic areas like entryways, kitchens, and bathrooms clutter-free so they are accessible and easy to use.
Maintain a Tidy Home
  • Make your bed every morning to keep the bedroom feeling tidy.
  • Open windows to let the fresh air and sunlight come in to purify the spaces.
  • Keep the home decluttered to reduce anxiety by constantly bringing in new items that spark joy and align with your vision.
While clearing the clutter, you should keep the sentimental objects within sight in the house design, which will always remind you of your cherished moments and give you a moment of smile. Rather than keeping treasured possessions in a box gathering dust in some corner of your house, you should always display them.
Connect with the Nature :
Psychologists agree that connecting with nature relaxes your mind. Fill your home with indoor and vibrant green plants, which boost mood and reduce stress.

Physiological Benefits of Viewing Nature: A Systematic Review of Indoor Experiments

Trailing vines, money plants, and other low-maintenance succulents are all great options. Due to the negligence of nature in our modern homes, ‘Biophilic design’ is on the rise, and occupant connectivity with nature has increased.
Emphasize the view of nature (Biophilic Design)
Improved Air Quality
Indoor plants used in biophilic design are natural air purifiers. Some people suggest that it is better to have indoor plants rather than an air purifier not only because they provide fresh air but also help to remove toxins like formaldehyde, benzene, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

Reduces Stress
Many people use the natural environment to release stress from work and a hectic life. Studies have shown that biophilic design has a positive effect on stressful situations.
Explore Soothing Color Schemes :
While bright colors on the walls are fun, sticking to a simple and soft palette, such as warm hues, grey, and calming greens, will be much more relaxing than using bright colors, which can be overwhelming for the brain.

Furthermore, adding natural wood tones and textured fabrics to your home furniture can create a relaxing mood by connecting the house with nature.

Soft Blues and Greens
Shades of blue and green are inherently calming and relaxing. Avoid using bright tones and choose soft, muted tones like sky blue and soft green. Pair them with a crisp white accent wall color for a new and fresh look.
Monochromatic Neutrals
Stick to one neutral color, such as tan, grey, or trusted old white, and instead of using different colors, play with different shades and textures. This creates a consistent and calming look.

Add interest with varying tones and textures of the same color on walls also explore wall vases. This creates a more relaxing environment, as your brain is not overwhelmed with different colors simultaneously. 
Use Maximum Natural Light
Use dim lights for illumination, and whenever possible, keep curtains and blinds open to allow maximum natural light, which uplifts your mood.

Good exposure to daylight through windows is perfect for reducing anxiety levels. Bright light in the morning between 8 a.m. and 12 p.m. has shown a
positive impact.

If your apartment does not get much natural sunlight, you can add lamps and adjust lighting to mimic the intensity and warmth of the sun.

In the evening, use dim lights for illumination, such as lamps, pendant lights, etc., avoiding bright light to prevent overstimulation.
Incorporate Comforting Scents : 
Natural scents are the most underrated for relaxing and reducing anxiety. We have all experienced a relaxing mood when we enter a home with a natural scent. 

Pleasing natural aromas and scents like fresh-cut flowers, soothing candles, and agarbattis can provide a multi-sensory experience. Opt for scents like lavender, chamomile, etc., which are known for their anxiety-reducing properties.
Use an Essential Oil Diffuser:
Essential oil diffuser fills the air with soothing scents. Some of the most popular calming essential oils include

Lavender - (Relaxation and Sleep)
Sandalwood - (Contain Farnesol Calming Componen)
Vanilla - (Reduce Stress and Anxiety)

Bring in fragrant plants like lavender, jasmine, rose, etc. Place them in the living room near the bedrooms. These fresh and natural scents add freshness to your room.
Dried Flower and Vases 
Dried flowers like lavender, chamomile, and eucalyptus have natural properties that help relieve stress and anxiety. 

Beautifully arranging dried flowers around the home in vases will definitely add an earthy element to your home. Placing dried flowers together in clusters creates a focal point that attracts the mind's attention. Introducing dried flowers in your home decor aligns with biophilic design.
Add Peaceful Wall Decor 
Whenever we enter a new house, we first encounter a wall. Sometimes, walls can make a space feel unwelcoming and unfinished. 

Carefully select and arrange wall art, rugs, and decorative accents that cultivate a soothing and relaxing atmosphere. 

Not only the artwork but also botanicals, sculptural pieces, and serene abstracts can add a more relaxing and welcoming feel to your walls.

Combine artwork with calming colors: Artwork featuring soothing colors like blues, greens, and lavenders, incorporated with matching walls, can create a near-perfect calming atmosphere for your home.

Focus on natural scenes with calming and soothing colors and unexpected placements for maximum impact when seen. These will instantly make you feel at peace.
Just Simplify the Design :
While the tips above can help you create a relaxing space, there is no greater power for relaxing than simplicity itself. 

A busy, cluttered room with too many artworks, sculptures, contrasting patterns, bright lighting, and overuse of scents and home fresheners can overwhelm the human senses and make it challenging to find clarity. So, for a real relaxing experience, keep things simple, clean, and minimalist.

Remember that less is often more when reducing anxiety and stress through home design.
Creating these calming, nature-inspired environments in our homes doesn't require a total renovation—even small, affordable changes like removing clutter, incorporating living plants, softening color palettes, and amplifying natural light can make a big difference. 

Align your home’s design with what fundamentally soothes or relaxes your brain. After all, it's about you and your needs. Everyone has different likes and dislikes.